What we believe:
We believe the Holy Bible is the inspired word of God.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
We believe that Jesus died for our sins and that through Him we receive our Salvation.
We believe in the Resurrection.
We believe in the Holy Spirit.
We believe in the gifts and ministries of the Holy Spirit.
Who are we?
Our church has been an active witness in Seaforth for well over a hundred years so I think it’s fair to say that we have a commitment to our local community. In fact many local residents (and some friends further afield) will recall times spent in Sunday School or in the Brigades. Those a bit younger may recall Kidz Klub!
We are not an “all singing-all dancing, got it all sorted” church, we know we still have so much to learn from God – but we do have a love for God and a heart to serve the church and the community of Seaforth as He leads us. We like to think of ourselves as a family – and like all families, we have our moments!! We are not the perfect church – but a work in progress!
Yet we are certain that God is with us, that He guides us and walks with us as we endeavour to do His will.
We believe that as we seek His face and walk in obedience to His word He will heal our land, our community, and our people.
(2 Chron. 7:14)